Pokemon go lunar new year 2021 rewards
Pokemon go lunar new year 2021 rewards

pokemon go lunar new year 2021 rewards

Send Gifts 3 Days in a row - Litleo encounter.Send 15 Gifts to friends - Darumaka encounter.Trade 3 Pokémon with a friend - Corphish encounter.Send 5 Gifts and add a sticker to each - Torchic encounter.'Lunar New Year: Friendship Challenge' Step 1 of 1 Thank you to redwineandbeer from reddit for the help with this information. Keep in mind that the details below do contain spoilers, so, if you want to be surprised, we suggest skipping this section. Like the quest above, the Friendship Challenge is a timed research quest which means, if you want all of the rewards, you must complete it before the end of the Lunar New Year event. The Lunar New Year: Friendship Challenge is the second timed research quest you can complete during 2022's Lunar New Year event in Pokémon Go. Rewards: 1000 Stardust, 1000 XP and a Espurr encounter 'Lunar New Year: Friendship Challenge' quest steps in Pokémon Go Catch 10 different species of Pokémon - Litleo encounter.Catch 25 Fire-type Pokémon - 20 Ultra Balls.'Lunar New Year: Catch Challenge' Step 1 of 1 If you're avoiding spoilers, we suggest skipping the information below and the next section.

pokemon go lunar new year 2021 rewards

This is a timed research quest, so you only have till the end of the Lunar New Year event - Monday, 7th February - to complete it. The Lunar New Year: Catch Challenge is the first of two timed research quests available during this year's Lunar New Year event in Pokémon Go. 'Lunar New Year: Catch Challenge' quest steps in Pokémon Go Watch on YouTube Battling and catching the latest Ultra Beast, Guzzlord, in Pokémon Go.

Pokemon go lunar new year 2021 rewards