Storymill vs. scrivener
Storymill vs. scrivener

storymill vs. scrivener

I've had a long and happy relationship with my mid-2010 MacBook Pro, it cost a pretty penny back then (about £1k) but with it lasting eleven and half years means it's been a bargain at less than £1.70 a week. Flexible interface users can tailor to their needs. Powerful app with helpful features for every writing stage. In this review, the team at Reedsy has analyzed Scrivener 3 from an author's perspective. If my next computer can last ten years I'd be very, very happy – and amazed. The MacOS and Windows versions cost 59.99 each and do not require a monthly subscription. It's still working but crashes intermittently and has for some time now, which is time consuming – and makes me worry about when it will stop for good. Of course with it being so old it has had its systems updated regularly it's currently up to macOS High Sierra and can't go beyond that. This means lots of current apps I use can't be updated anymore and may soon be useless (as companies stop supporting their old apps), and of course new apps won't run on this old system. So it's been time to think about what to get to replace the Pro. I've been considering the new iMac which looks amazing. I had a couple of iMacs back in the day including the famous Blueberry one. A few years down the road, Ulysses will end up costing you much more. The monthly fee may sound small, but it will begin to add up quickly. You can pay 4.99 USD per month, or 39.99 USD per year. Ulysses, on the other hand, requires a subscription to maintain access. Of course one of the things I would use it for is writing and I can't take a desk top about with me so I'd really need an iPad as well as a desk top. When you purchase Scrivener, you have it for life. Yes, those are the considerations which bring me back to a laptop. LivingWriter is the best Scrivener alternative that I have ever used.

storymill vs. scrivener

In terms of cost vs the iMac I could get an iMac Air and an iPad, but that'd be pointless – if you've got the Air you couldn't justify the need for an iPad. Below are 3 best paid alternatives to Scrivener.


But I need more memory than the base version which makes it quite expensive and then when you consider the costs the 2020 MacBook Pro 13" (M1) looks a better buy.

Storymill vs. scrivener